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Newsletter September 20th 2023

ÜTI - A new team member !

his newsletter introduces you to Emeline, the head of thematic equity strategy.Emeline Ozhan (CFA) joins us as the head of thematic equity strategy: a crucial role in the field of portfolio management, product development, and research promotion.

Newsletter August 15th 2023

ÜTI - Discover the first New Luxury ÜTI Newsletter

In it, we present our bulletins on the New Luxury theme and its sub-themes, and we decipher the news of the sector. The luxury market is experiencing rapid expansion driven by powerful growth drivers, including the return of Chinese demand, the emergence of new markets (India, Africa), the rise in demand from Millennials and Gen Z, and the widening of the "ultra-rich club".

Newsletter July 5th 2023

ÜTI - A new panel dedicated to our suppliers and (almost) live market data!

The project is progressing, and we are therefore delighted to keep you informed about our latest developments, new partnerships, and future projects! We have taken advantage of this launch period to engage with our early adopters and iterate on the application. A new product category: Taylor investing, is currently under development, it will include funds, debt, and other relevant investment structures.

Newsletter May 31st 2023

ÜTI - The Ascent Begins

The project is progressing, and we are therefore delighted to keep you informed about our latest developments, new partnerships, and future projects! We have taken advantage of this launch period to engage with our early adopters and iterate on the application. A new product category: Taylor investing, is currently under development, it will include funds, debt, and other relevant investment structures.

News April 20th 2023

ÜTI - Tesla earnings !

Luxury is a favored sector for investors during periods of inflation. Indeed, conspicuous consumption has a low price elasticity of demand, which provides companies in this sector the ability to protect their margins by passing on the increased cost of raw materials to the selling prices of their products.

Newsletter January 25th 2023

ÜTI - 2023 The big jump !

First of all, we wish you an excellent year, rich in beautiful personal and professional projects, beautiful meetings, emotions. Without forgetting a good dose of optimism and energy to enjoy every moment.

Newsletter December, 22nd 2022

ÜTI - Baby is growing

Here it is, the second ÜTI newsletter! To stay close to you, to your advice, to inform you about our project progress, and to wish you a very nice holiday season

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